Gift Voucher
The Ultimate Pampering
Enter recipient name and add a personalised message for a thoughtful and perfect gift.
You have the choice to send the voucher to yourself to print out or email it to the recipient in your own time.
Once purchased you or your special someone will receive an instant e-voucher to the email address you entered.
Gift Voucher Example
Consult First, Treatment Later
For all our skin treatments a consult is important so we can get an understanding of your medical history and your skin concerns. We use this time to educate you on treatments available and discuss why you may be having these skin concerns. We also need to determine what is happening from within and work on the immune system to help support any treatments decided upon as we move forward to empowering you with your best skin yet.
After a 45 minutes consultation, we can recommend the best treatment and create a plan tailored for you. Your consultation fee is redeemable on your treatment.