New Website New Brand

New website. New brand.
Same great service
After months of hard work, we are very excited to officially announce the launch of our new website and new branding
Wow, what a change, formerly known as Utopia Excellence in Nails & Beauty we have had a complete transformation with you in mind. A name change, new website, logo and Facebook page.
The goal for this project was to give our brand a fresh look and feel, starting with a new name where the actual meaning reflects the service we create: Vivify [viv-uh-fahy] to enliven, brighten, sharpen, refresh, revive, invigorate. A new refreshed logo and website to enhance visitor experience with great full screen visuals, also offering a better reflection of who we are and how our products and services benefit our customers.
Our new website features soft colours of blue, white, grey and pink, user-friendly navigation with a drop-down menu that supports all devices. We’ve also launched a news and blog section where we will be sharing treatment information, frequently asked questions, and before and after photos. On the news section we will be publishing relevant business information and announcements.
Amongst the new features we have created an online booking system making it easier for our clients to book their appointments with us from anywhere. We have a specials page and great package deals.
We have also opened a new Facebook page to further enhance our engagement, communication and interaction with customers. You can find us on Facebook at our website also includes social media buttons to connect you directly, feel free to also join us here!
More new and exciting elements will be added soon to continue on our great customer experience, check back often to keep up to date.
A big thank you to Peggy from Socially Engaged for your time and energy in helping to make this site and brand what it is.
We hope you find the new website easy to access and informative. Please feel free to email or contact us if you have any questions or comments.
We look forward to achieving your total indulgence at your next visit.
See you soon!
Sharyn Thompson
Vivify Beauty
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